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MC6809-MC6809E 8-Bit Microprocessor Programming Manual [M6809PM/AD]
© Motorola Inc., 1981
Original Issue: March 1, 1981
Reprinted: May 1983
Last update: 2024-10-07
- Foreword
- Errata & Corrections
- Table Of Contents (PDF pages 5-10)
- List Of Illustrations (PDF page 10)
- List Of Tables (PDF pages 11-12)
- Legal Stuff (PDF page 220)
- Links
- Change log
This is the Programming Manual for the 6809 microprocessor from Motorola Inc. (now Freescale as of 2006).
It is © Motorola Inc., 1981.
It can be freely obtained as a scanned PDF at Freescale's homepage under [Support → ] Documentation → Order Literature (=Literature Distribution Center) → Search for description "6809" and with item status "Active and Archive".
Another download location for M6809PM is the PDF Document Archive, which also has a copy of the original data sheet.
PDFs are available at the M6809PM repo of the M6809 Docs team (M6809PM.rev0_May83.pdf, or at
Sections 1-4 plus appendices A, C, D, E and F got htmlized, so you can easily search inside the text.
The original layout of the print was kept wherever possible.
Also some additional errata and corrections were made to the text.
If you think there are any legal concerns to this please contact us via the contact link.
And remember: Use all information at your own risk.
Get all html pages as a zip file from the M6809PM repo of the M6809 Docs team.
Errata & Corrections
Errata (fixing incorrect information) are formatted like this.
Corrections (typos, unambiguousness, readability, etc.) are formatted like this.
HTMLization errors will just be fixed and listed in the change log at the end of this page.
- Table 4-4:
- PSHU (PDF page 46) - duplicate X, instead of correct S
- Appendix A:
- BGT (PDF page 63) - formula from description was incompletely negated into easier readable version for operation paragraph (Thanks to Chris Marrin)
- BIT (PDF page 66) - incorrect source form (Thanks to Chris Marrin)
- BLE (PDF page 67) - missing outer parenthesis
- DAA (PDF page 84) - LSN correction checks for H bit (half carry) instead of C bit (Thanks to Chris Marrin)
- PSHU, PULU (PDF pages 102 & 104) - b6 is S instead of U
- Appendix D:
- Added radix (base) to numbers to show if they are binary "2" or hexadecimal "16" (may not be 100% yet)
- Appendix A:
- BLS (PDF page 69) - use square parenthesis as in the other operation conditions
- Appendix D:
- Branch Notes (PDF pages 204 & 206) - moved "5(6)" note up to Branch Instructions (Thanks to Alex)
Table Of Contents
PDF pages 5-10
List Of Illustrations
PDF page 10
1-1 | Programming Model | |||
1-2 | Condition Code Register | |||
1-3 | Processor Pin Assignments | |||
2-1 | Postbyte Usage for EXG/TFR, PSH/PUL Instructions | |||
3-1 | Interrupt Processing Flowchart | |||
4-1 | Stacking Order | |||
B-1 | Appendix B will not be htmlized. | |||
E-1 | ASCII Character Set | |||
G-1 | Appendix G will not be htmlized. Same figure as in section 1.11. |
List Of Tables
PDF pages 11-12
1-1 | BA/BS Signal Encoding | |||
2-1 | Postbyte Usage for Indexed Addressing Modes | |||
3-1 | Interrupt Vector Locations | |||
4-1 | Instruction Set | |||
4-2 | 8-Bit Accumulator and Memory Instructions | |||
4-3 | 16-Bit Accumulator and Memory Instructions | |||
4-4 | Index/Stack Pointer Instructions | |||
4-5 | Branch Instructions | |||
4-6 | Miscellaneous Instructions | |||
A-1 | Operation Notation | |||
A-2 | Register Notation | |||
B-1 B-2 B-3 | Appendix B will not be htmlized. | |||
C-1 | Machine Code to Instruction Cross Reference | |||
D-1 | Programming Aid | |||
E-1 | Control Characters | |||
E-2 | Graphic Characters | |||
F-1 | Opcode Map | |||
F-2 | Indexed Addressing Mode Data | |||
H-1 H-2 | Appendix H will not be htmlized. |
Legal Stuff
PDF page 220
Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein.
Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages.
"Typical" parameters can and do vary in different applications.
All operating parameters, including "Typicals" must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts.
Motorola does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others.
Motorola products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Motorola product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur.
Should Buyer purchase or use Motorola products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Motorola and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Motorola was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part.
Motorola and are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc.
Motorola, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
Literature Distribution Centers: (as of 1993 = print of manual) | |
USA: | Motorola Literature Distribution; P.O. Box 20912; Phoenix, Arizona 85036. |
EUROPE: | Motorola Ltd.; European Literature Centre; 88 Tanners Drive, Blakelands, Milton Keynes, MK14 5BP, England. |
JAPAN: | Nippon Motorola Ltd.; 4-32-1, Nishi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141, Japan. |
ASIA PACIFIC: | Motorola Semiconductors H.K. Ltd.; Silicon Harbour Center, No. 2 Dai King Street, Tai Po Industrial Estate, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong. |
Change log
- 2024-10-07:
Added errata for Appendix A: instruction BIT - 2024-05-09:
Updated pages with M6809 Docs team information.
Separated between errata and corrections.
Added PDF page numbers for easier review and/or reference.
Added errata for Appendix A: instruction BGT, BLE - 2024-05-04:
Added errata for Appendix A: instruction DAA - 2023-08-15:
Appendix C, opcode 21: BRN was wrongly HTMLized as BAN (Thanks to Eric Hood) - 2012-09-25:
Appendix D, instruction ORB: byte count 2+ for indexed mode was wrongly HTMLized as 1+
Added errata for Appendix D: instructions ASRA, ASRB, LSR, ORB, SWI3 - 2008-12-25:
Appendix C, opcode 27: BEQ was wrongly HTMLized as BEG
© Motorola Inc., 1981 (now Freescale as of 2006)
Transformed into HTML by Matthias "Maddes" Bücher in 2006, 2007, 2023.
Maintained by the M6809 Docs team in 2024.
Use all information at your own risk.
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